MOBILE-ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING (MALL) is the use of smartphones and other mobile technologies in language learning, especially in situations where portability and situated learning offer specific advantages. A key attraction of mobile learning is the ubiquity of mobile phones.

Main principles of MALL:

  • ·       your mobile phone is always with you;
  • ·       it is an excellent device to deliver very much bite-sized learning;
  • ·       it's a those sort of prompters and reminders;
  • ·       friendly environment to learn.
  • ·       to learn across different contexts and locations

A QUICK RESPONSE (QR) code is a type of barcode that stores information and can be read by a digital device, such as a cell phone. QR-code is new technology which can be used in many fields. I thought that we can also use this technology in language learning. We know that all teachers complain that students forget their books or course materials or don't bring them to class. We can forget anything but phones. I've never seen someone who forgets his cell phone.

So I think that using QR-code on the books would be very useful for those kind of situations. Imagine that you don’t need to bring any book you can just turn on your camera and with one click you have the pdf version of the book that you need for your class.

One of the easiest ways to use QR codes is to provide students with quick and easy access to course materials. For example, QR codes in the syllabus can link to course readings or videos. Or QR codes on slides can quickly direct students to a website that they will be using in class.

QUIZLET is a free website providing learning tools for students, including flashcards, study and game modes. I have created flashcards on SLENG, you can follow it.


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